Friday, October 9, 2009

Alien-Chicken Behbeh

Okay, I'm 100% sure this is photoshopped, but I'd like to shake the hand of the genius that put this together. As if the chicken costume and blank expression weren't hilarious enough, this baby is also trying out of the toddler re-make of the classic movie "Alien." Love it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Redhead Baby

I'm totally cool with red hair and pale skin. I'm not okay with this almost-flock-of-seagulls 'do.  Ot its "Yeah, I'm a BAMF" expression.  Its balled fist is threatening and I'm frightened.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Red-Eye Baby

I mean, I know it's just red-eye, but what could possibly be happening to make this baby make THAT face?

Flower Baby

Wow, you know, I'm really glad that the flowers are there to make this picture

Dog Baby

I can't tell if it's doing an impression of the dog or...making fun of it or...if it doesn't like the dog?  Actually, wait, this is probably its default face.  Cute dog, though!

Lobster Baby

Okay, actually, the parents of this child are weirder than the baby.  The kid is just sort of like, "Um...yeah, this wasn't MY idea, okay?"

Watermelon Baby

Oh, now this is just ridiculous.  They put MAKEUP on it so that now it looks like an anime character.  And its left arm has too many joints.  The watermelon on its shirt is so cryptic, too...I wonder what it "means" by wearing it.  Maybe it's part of a cult.  A watermelon-eatin', makeup-wearin' baby cult.

Eyelidless Baby

Does it even HAVE eyelids? Maybe it's actually sleeping, but you'd never know because it can't close its eyes.